Factory Mounted Consignment Direct Digital Controls (DDC)

ENVIRO-TEC is pleased to offer mount and wire services for consignment DDC controls. A standard list of controllers and control sequences – with their associated wiring diagrams – has been developed for use with ENVIRO-TEC VAV products. To facilitate coordination between the DDC provider and the ENVIRO-TEC representative, all tools for DDC consignment jobs are available on this website.

    • Approved DDC manufacturers include: Alerton, American Automatrix, Automated Logic, Carrier, Circon, Delta, Distech, Honeywell, Johnson, KMC, Novar, Reliable, Siemens/Landis, Siemens/Staefa, TAC/Andover, TAC/CSI, TAC/Invensys and Wattmaster.
    • DDC providers can be set-up with a website account to access the standard wiring diagrams. Please contact your nearest rep office (U.S., Canada, International) for an account.
    • ENVIRO-TEC reps, please see the DDC Coordination Page for complete procedures and forms.

While DDC Mount and Wire is also offered on fan coil products, a standard list of controllers is not available at this time.

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