Model MQL Indoor Air-Handling UnitMQL Group Photo

The Perfect Solution for Schools, Hospitals, and Commercial Buildings.
The flexibility of the Model MQL Indoor Air-Handler allows you to design the unit to meet the specific project needs. The MQL air handler design allows you to configure draw-through applications in horizontal, vertical, and footprint-saving arrangements. From basic air-handling requirements to the sophisticated isolation room systems required to meet challenging indoor air quality (IAQ), controls, and acoustic (sound sensitive) projects - the Model MQL Indoor Air-Handler is your solution!

Standard Features

  • Modular construction allows for footprint saving arrangements including stacking modules in two or three high configurations.
  • Field assembly option allows unit to fit into elevators and through standard doorways for renovation or retrofit jobs.
  • IAQ galvanized drain pans are double sloped to prevent standing water and minimize microbial growth. Stainless steel drain pans are available.
  • Removable access panels for improved accessibility, cleanability, and serviceability. Hinged access doors with quick action latches are available.
  • Single point power connection – even with blow-through electric heat – simplifies installation. Fan motors are factory mounted and wired to the junction box.
  • Available in nine sizes, from 600 to 10,000 cfm.
  • Internal spring isolation standard on all sizes.
  • Single wall and double wall-galvanized construction are available. Double wall construction enhances indoor air quality, protects insulation, and provides the ability to clean the inside of the unit.

Optional Features

  • MQL VFDIndoor Air Quality (IAQ) using INTELLITRAC®, the patented FlowStar™ sensor with damper(s) that accurately measures and controls outside airflow (required cfm). INTELLITRAC® allows the outside air set point to match predicted building occupancy or VAV box requirements and records maximum/minimum outside airflow rates. Delivering only the specified amount of outside air minimizes building energy costs. For use with IAQ applications, to help meet ventilation requirements (ASHRAE Standard 62-1999).
  • Factory-packaged air handlers are available with starters and variable frequency drives. Simply connect power, controls, piping, and ductwork, and the units are ready for operation. An excellent way to minimize installation time, coordination and costs, while increasing reliability.
  • Quiet, flexible, acoustical discharge plenums may be used for sound sensitive projects.
  • Customized Options include:
    • High efficiency filters or cartridge filters
    • Double wall perforated lining
    • Inspection windows

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