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Model MQL Indoor Air Handling Unit Program

Current Sales Version: 8.0.4 (Original Release Date: February 25, 2010, Update Released: March 16, 2010)
Current Engineer's Version: 8.0.2 (Release Date: October 15, 2008)
ENVIRO-TEC offers a downloadable program for its MQL indoor air handling unit. Separate versions are available for ENVIRO-TEC representatives and their engineer customers. Please use the links below to obtain your copy today.

NOTE: When installing a new version of the MQL Program on your computer, do not remove previous versions of the program by using the Add/Remove Programs menu in your Control Panel. Additional space will not be used on your computer by showing multiple versions of the MQL Program installed.

MQL Program Links

Installation Instructions

    1. Download the program to a temporary location on your hard drive such as the Desktop. (Sales Version aprx 151mb and Engineer's Version aprx 151mb)
    2. After dowloading, run the exe file to install the program. If you already have the program installed, install this version in the same directory, typically C:\Program Files\MQLOrder. During setup, if you are asked to keep a file that is newer than the one being copied, select keep.
    3. Delete the installation file when done.

System Requirements

    • Windows 2000 or XP Note: The MQL Program will not run on Vista.
      (For printing Selection Reports or Fan Curves. Using Windows 98, Fan Curves are automatically saved as Excel files to your hard disk when viewed in the program, and may then be printed from Excel. Selection Reports may be sent to another user with Windows 2000 or XP using the "E-mail Project To..." function).
    • Microsoft Excel
    • 256mb RAM; 512mb recommended
    • 512mb hard drive space
    • 1024 x 768 screen resolution or higher
    • Must be installed on a local hard drive (will not function when installed to a network drive)

Emailing Projects to Other Users
This feature is available from the program's Import/Export Project tab. Simply select the line items in the project and click the Email Project To button. Fill in the recipient information and your information and click Send.

Outlook File Attachments
With the proliferation of viruses in e-mail attachments, Microsoft has made enhancements to its Outlook program that prevent certain types of file attachments from getting through to the recipient. One of those file types is ".mdb". This happens to be the same file type as the MQL project that you'll be sending to another user.

There are two easy solutions to this problem. One solution would be to download the Outlook Attachment Patch which will allow the user to send ".mdb" files. Please contact the Sales Department to obtain the appropriate Patch for your version of Outlook. The second solution would be to use Winzip and follow the instructions below. If the recipient is using Outlook 2000 Service Pack 3 or newer, please do the following:

  • After selecting the units, go to the Project Reports tab and click the "Save Project File" button. This will save the MDB file to C:/Program Files/MQL Project Files/ProjectName.mdb.
  • Use WinZip to Zip the MDB file, and then attach the Zip file to a new e-mail message to the recipient. If you do not have WinZip, a free Evaluation Version may be downloaded from www.winzip.com. If you'd prefer not to install this program, another alternative is to change the file extension of the .mdb file to something else to fool Outlook. The recipient can change the file extension back to .mdb after successfully receiving the file.

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